Friday, February 8, 2013

Who does she think she is?

What do I know about running a marathon? The answer is, "Not much."  You see, I don't even consider myself a runner.  A runner, in my mind, equates to someone who has fast feet, speaks a language of fartleks and splits, and wears a GPS watch, fuel belt, and compression socks.  None of which apply to me. 

In fact, I didn't even start running until a couple years ago.  While home for summer break I decided to get some fresh air and took a walk.  My parents live in the country, so a walk around the block turned out to be 6 miles.  I walked the same route everyday, and eventually starting jogging for a few lengths.  By the end of the summer, I ran the entire 6 miles without walking.  That was 2007. 

Fast forward six years and I am training for my first marathon, the Milwaukee Lakefront Marathon.  I have three half marathons and a few other distance races under my belt, but I am ready to take on the 26.2.  I have a training plan, running partner (thank you, Heidi!), and I'm passionate about the cause I'm running for. 

I decided if I'm going to run a marathon, I'm going to make it memorable.  I'm a Vorpahl, and Vorpahls do it big or don't do it at all.  When I brainstormed causes to run for, I immediately thought of my patients, coworkers, friends, and family members who have been affected by cancer.  I am tired of standing by, helpless, watching their bodies wither away and the light in their eyes go dim as the cancer overpowers their spirit.  Now is my chance to fight back.

I will be running in honor/remembrance of 26 people, 1 person for each mile, who have been changed by cancer. My goal is $2,600 ($100 per person) and the money raised will go to the Cancer Research Institute, a charity that's advancing immunology to conquer cancer. 

I invite you to join me on this journey.  Run the marathon with me! Or just join me for a mile or two on a training run.  If running is not your thing, come down to the lakefront on October 6 and cheer me on! God knows on race day I'm going to need all the support I can get.  And above all else, please share my mission with coworkers, family, friends or anyone else who will listen.  Together we can change the immunological treatment, control, and prevention of cancer.  

Thank you for taking the time to read my blog and please check back frequently to stay updated on my training and fundraising efforts. 


Donations can be made at

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