Sunday, September 15, 2013

Week 15 - Recap

This week I posted the first batch of the 26 participant cancer stories and the response has been outstanding!  I'm blown away by the number of blog views, e-mails, messages, comments, and shares.  As I said earlier this week, I may be the only one running, but I constantly reminded that I am not alone in this fight against cancer.  Only 21 days until the marathon!

Week 15:
Monday - 5 mile run
Tuesday - 5 mile run
Friday - 20 mile long run

Since the rambling thoughts I posted in Week 10 - Recap were so popular, I thought I would do something similar and give you a play-by-play of my 20 mile run.

Getting ready:  Ugh, I do not want to do this.  But I need to do this.  The sooner I start, the sooner I'll be done.  Ok, just one more sip of coffee.  And maybe another sip of coffee.  I don't think the sun is even up yet.  Ok, ok, I'm going.  Better put the spare key out just in case. 

Mile 1:  Wow, it's cold.  Like, 'I can see my breath' cold.  First I complain it's too hot.. now I'm complaining it's too cold.  But seriously, it's cold.

Mile 2:  I wonder where the other runners are this morning?  Probably still sleeping.  I wish I was still sleeping.  

Mile 3:  Thiensville is kind of cute.  I can't wait until Peter and Kristi move here (hopefully).  I've marked it out - it's only 3.28 miles from our place to Thiensville on the trail. 

Mile 4:  I can't even feel my fingers (as I'm trying to tie my shoe.)

Mile 5:  Homestead High School ... why have I heard of that before?  Remember to look that up when I get back.

Mile 6:  In the time I have been training for this marathon, kids have been in school, out for summer break, and are now back in school.  And I am still running... 

Mile 7:  Is that a blister I feel?

Mile 8:  YES - a stop light!  Ha - I have to stop!  It would suck to be hit by a car so close to the marathon date.  

Mile 9:  And now I get to run into the wind... great....

Mile 10:  Oh, so that's where Concordia is. 

Mile 11:  Wow! I wonder how much that house is worth?!  (on Lake Shore Dr)

Mile 12:  Woo hoo! Only 8 more miles to go!
                (2 minutes later I get a side-ache)  Crap! I still have 8 more miles to go!

Mile 13:  If I was running a half marathon, I'd be done by now.

Mile 14:  Those cars are definitely not going 45 mph.

Mile 15:  Oh shoot!  Did I miss my turn?

Mile 16:  Yep, definitely missed my turn.  I guess I'm going to take this road instead.

Mile 17:  Runner's high? No such thing.  

Mile 18:  Must. Keep. Running.  

Mile 19:  I am so over this. 

Mile 20:  Oww. ow. ow. ow!

.... and now, let the taper begin!!

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